Please wait...
Calculated base CP
966 now has 1 creator points...
441 now has 1 creator points...
2015 now has 2 creator points...
2033 now has 1 creator points...
3302 now has 1 creator points...
2672 now has 1 creator points...
2641 now has 2 creator points...
3879 now has 1 creator points...
3424 now has 1 creator points...
2928 now has 1 creator points...
4282 now has 2 creator points...
3735 now has 1 creator points...
2558 now has 3 creator points...
4401 now has 1 creator points...
10784 now has 1 creator points...
10793 now has 3 creator points...
3149 now has 2 creator points...
11084 now has 1 creator points...
4340 now has 1 creator points...
11169 now has 1 creator points...
4272 now has 1 creator points...

doneCalculating the amount of friends everyone has
Deleted invalid users and songs.
Fixed reuploaded levels with invalid passwords.
Removed songs with nonsensical URLs.

Calculating levelsCount for songs
Setting user names to account names
CRON done